During March, all the students from fourth grade made interactive books online. Later, they showed their work to first and second grade students in their classrooms. It was an enriching experience for everyone! They are great teachers!

Zizur Mayor
During March, all the students from fourth grade made interactive books online. Later, they showed their work to first and second grade students in their classrooms. It was an enriching experience for everyone! They are great teachers!
El alumnado de 3º de Primaria participamos en el Proyecto de Educación Ambiental de Aterpeak de la Fundación Ilundain. Con piezas de madera y tornillos, montamos unas cajas nido que luego las pintamos con témperas. Fuimos a Ardoi a colocarlas y les haremos un seguimiento. ¡Esperamos ver nidos, huevos o pollitos!
Ask us about echinoderms or molluscs or sponges… Ask us if an animal is oviparous, viviparous or ovoviviparous…we can give you all your answers because we have done research on these animals. We have even recycled material, toilet paper rolls, boxes etc to create them and to display their habitats. Come and have a look!
El 22 de marzo el alumnado de 2º de Educación Primaria visitamos los depósitos de Mendillorri. Allí conocimos de primera mano dónde se almacena el agua que viene de la potabilizadora y que llegará a nuestras casas, a nuestro cole, etc. ¡La puerta secreta a los depósitos nos encantó!
Además, hicimos varias actividades muy divertidas para repasar todo lo que sabemos sobre el ciclo del agua.
Terminamos la mañana disfrutando del parque y los jardines que hay en el recinto. ¡Nos lo pasamos pipa!
Last 17th March, on the occasion of the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, our school turned green and our Infant students became for a few hours little Irish leprechauns, and they searched for and found many gold coins that were hidden in our playground. According to legend, these leprechauns are able to find gold coins buried in the ground and store them all in a pot that is said to be at the end of the rainbow.